University of Kentucky Student Account Services (2024)

Student Account Services

Student Account Services acts as a billing agent for the University of Kentucky. Our staff can provide financial assistance regarding your tuition, payment plans, and tax credit information. When you need assistance, our customer service representatives are available to assist.

Assistance is Available

Student Account Services is currently available to assist you in Room 18 Funkhouser Building. Hours are Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. E.S.T.

KAPT Forms

Forms for Kentucky's Affordable Prepaid Tuition program should be emailed to Student Account Services at

For information about KAPT, visit


For more information about GradGuardtuition insurance,

Contact Us

Phone: (859) 257-3406


Online Appointment for Students: Set up a virtual appointment with an account representative by clicking here.

In order to serve you better, please provide the student ID number and security passcode when you call or email. The passcode is established by the student on myUK > myInfo > myPasscode.

For general information, see our FAQs.

University of Kentucky Student Account Services (1)

Student Tax

University of Kentucky Student Account Services (2)

Student Account

University of Kentucky Student Account Services (3)

Student Loan

University of Kentucky Student Account Services (4)

Contact Us

Important Reminders


Account statements are sent electronically to the student's UK assigned email address the first week of the month as long as a balance due remains.

Total amount due must be received on or before the 22nd of the month. An account hold for an unpaid past due balance will prevent class registration during priority registration windows. Past due balances are subject to a late fee of 1.5%.

Fall 2024 account statements will be delivered to students by email the first week of August, with a duedate of August 22, 2024.

Fall 2024 payment plan enrollment will be available on myUK the first week of August once account statements are emailed to students. For general information about the installment payment plan, click here.


Please note the dates and deadlines to withdraw from a course and receive a refund. In order to receive a 100% refund, you must withdraw prior to the first day of class.

Please refer to the Course Catalog for the specific course deadlines and refund schedule by clicking on the section number of each course.


Any change of major after the last day to add a class for the term, will not impact your tuition assessment for current term.


All Summer Session aid questions can be directed to the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships at or 859-257-3172.

Fall 2024 aid will appear as "estimated" on the Fall account statements that will be emailed to students the first week of August.

Actual Fall 2024 financial aid credits will begin posting August 16-20.

Direct deposit refunds will begin August 21-23. Students will receive an email once their refund is initiated. From date of initiation, it takes 2-3 business days for the funds to arrive in the student's designated checking account.

If expected aid for Fall 2024 does not appear on your student account in August, direct all questions to the Office of Student Financial and Scholarships at or 859-257-3172.


Direct Deposit for refunds is now MANDATORY. For information,click here.


Financial Holds

Be sure to check for any financial holds on your myUK account. Financial holds will not prevent graduation, however they will prevent release of the diploma and official transcripts until resolved.

Student Loan Exit Counseling Requirement

If you borrowed a Federal Direct Student Loan while attending UK, complete Exit Counseling at Log in with your FSA ID and choose Loan Repayment, then Loan Exit Counseling. UK will be notified electronically.

If you borrowed a Federal Perkins, Health Profession or Institutional Student Loan while attending UK, watch for an email from UK's student loan billing servicer, ECSI. The email will instruct you on how to complete the Exit Counseling requirement on-line.


The 1098-T tax form is available electronically on myUK under Financials > Account Services from the left-hand menu > 1098-T Form(s).

Should you need assistance viewing your 1098-T, visit myDocs Self-Service Document Portal.

The 1098-T tax form for 2023 is available electronically on your myUK.

To receive the form by USPS mail, you must select"1098-T Opt Out" from the menu on or before December 31, 2023.

University of Kentucky Student Account Services (2024)


What is the phone number for uky student account services? ›

Phone: (859) 257-3406 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. E-mail:

What is the male to female ratio at University of Kentucky? ›

University of Kentucky has a total undergraduate enrollment of 22,735 (fall 2022), with a gender distribution of 42% male students and 58% female students.

How to get 1098-T form from University of Kentucky? ›

The 1098-T tax form is available electronically on myUK under Financials > Account Services from the left-hand menu > 1098-T Form(s). Should you need assistance viewing your 1098-T, visit myDocs Self-Service Document Portal. The 1098-T tax form for 2023 is available electronically on your myUK.

What is the late fee for University of Kentucky? ›

The student is then responsible for immediate payment of the total amount due, and is subject to late payment fee assessment of 1.5% of the total unpaid balance and further collection action.

How much is UK tuition per year? ›

What is the phone number for Uky benefits? ›

Contact our HR Benefits team at 859-257-9519, option 3, or with questions.

Is University of Kentucky LGBTQ friendly? ›

We are actively engaged in supporting student organizations, offering professional development opportunities for campus groups, and advocating for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals from many walks of life.

What is the average GPA for the University of Kentucky? ›

The average GPA at University of Kentucky is 3.61. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA. With a GPA of 3.61, University of Kentucky requires you to be above average in your high school class.

What college has the best girl to guy ratio? ›

Colleges with the highest female-to-male ratio?
  1. Barnard College: This women's college in New York City affiliated with Columbia University has a female population of nearly 100%.
  2. Wellesley College: Another prestigious women's college located in Massachusetts, also with an almost exclusive female population.
Feb 29, 2024

Can students claim 1098-T? ›

Yes. The Form 1098-T is a form provided to you and the IRS by an eligible educational institution that reports, among other things, amounts paid for qualified tuition and related expenses. The form may be useful in calculating the amount of the allowable education tax credits.

Is Kees money taxable? ›

An account can be opened for a beneficiary of any age. The method, schedule and amount of contributions are determined by the account owner. Earnings are exempt from Kentucky taxes, and any withdrawal used for qualified college expenses will be free of federal income taxes.

Why didn't I get a 1098-T? ›

Not all students are eligible to receive a 1098-T. Forms will not be issued under the following circ*mstances: The amount paid for qualified tuition and related expenses* in the calendar year is less than or equal to the total scholarships disbursed that year.

What university has the lowest acceptance rate in Kentucky? ›

Kentucky Colleges Ranked by Lowest Acceptance Rate

Berea College leads the list by accepting 25% of high school students that applied.

Is University of Kentucky an expensive school? ›

For the 2018-19 academic year, students with an income between 0-30,000 USD had an average net price of 11,926 USD, placing the university in the top 35%. Those with an income between 30,001-48,000 USD had an average net price of 13,594 USD, ranking the institution in the top 30%.

What is the University of Kentucky known for? ›

The University of Kentucky will be one of the nation's 20 best public research universities, an institution recognized world-wide for excellence in teaching, research, and service and a catalyst for intellectual, social, cultural, and economic development.

What is DSU student services number? ›

Your career is too important to approach haphazardly. Stop by the office or call 302.857. 6120 to make an appointment today.

How do I contact UB student accounts? ›

For more immediate attention, please contact us via phone at 716-645-1800 during our regular business hours, Monday through Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Friday 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

What is the number for MSMU student accounts? ›

The Student Accounts Office telephone number is (213) 477- 2540. Be advised: if you wait until just before the deadline date to take care of this, you are likely to become frustrated with long lines and ringing phone lines! This may result in a missed deadline and a late payment fee.

What is the FWA number for Uky? ›

The University of Kentucky holds an FWA under the number FWA 00005295.


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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.